Earwig Identification & Prevention
Effective Strategies to Stop Earwig Infestations

Earwig infestations are unsightly and annoying to deal with, especially without the help of Gold Star Exterminators and our professional pest control services in Del Rio.
Frequently Asked Questions About Earwigs
What Are Earwigs?
An earwig is a small insect that grows to be around an inch in length and has a fearsome reputation, though they are relatively harmless. Earwigs appear frightening with their dark brown to black color, six legs, pair of antennae, and pair of pincers located at the end of their abdomen. Their body appears leathery, and when encountered in large numbers, an earwig infestation might be quite frightening to come across.
The best way to deal with this nuisance pest is preventive earwig repellents and professional earwig control.
Are Earwigs Dangerous?
Even though earwigs are the center of many myths and old wives’ tales that describe this insect crawling inside ears and eating brains or laying eggs, earwigs are relatively harmless. They don’t crawl inside human ears, and you are unlikely to receive an earwig bite; the most this pest can do is give you a pinch with its pincers, but this likely won’t be strong enough to even break your skin.
That being said, earwigs are considered a nuisance pest, and having them around your property in large numbers is frightening and stressful unless you take steps to eliminate this insect.
Why Do I Have an Earwig Problem?
If you are noticing an increase in earwig activity around your property, your property likely has many of the factors that attract this pest on easy display. Earwigs are drawn to piles of dirt, leaves, and debris, and they love areas with lots of moisture. Leaks, cluttered indoor and outdoor areas, and humid spaces all encourage earwig infestations on your property.
Where Will I Find Earwigs?
Earwigs are most commonly found in dark, secluded areas with plenty of moisture. In outdoor areas, they may be seen hiding around leaf piles and piles of debris or long grasses and overgrown areas. Once they infiltrate indoor spaces, earwigs will hide around basements, crawl spaces, bathrooms, kitchens, and other areas with moisture.
How Can I Get Rid of Earwigs?
Get rid of earwigs the easy way by skipping DIY earwig control and contacting Gold Star Exterminators. Our team will help you identify your earwig problem areas and provide you with solutions that effectively remove all traces of this insect. With our help, you won’t need to worry about facing down this frightening nuisance pest alone.
Contact us today for a free estimate or to learn more about our home pest control solutions in Del Rio.
How Can I Prevent Future Earwig Infestations?
Prevent earwigs from reinfesting your Del Rio property by following our expert tips that make your property less hospitable to this pest:
- Clear outdoor areas of any piles of debris, mulch, leaves, and woodpiles, as these items tend to gather moisture and be a great hiding place for earwigs.
- Cut back long grasses and overgrown foliage to remove shady, humid hiding spots from outdoor areas.
- Address moisture issues both inside and outside of your property by fixing leaks, clearing clogged gutters, ensuring outdoor areas have drainage, and using dehumidifiers indoors when possible.
- Seal up cracks around your property’s windows, doors, and foundation to stop earwigs from easily slipping inside in pursuit of shelter.
- Utilize weatherstripping and window and door screens to keep this pest out and fully earwig-proof indoor areas.
Contact Gold Star Exterminators to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Del Rio or if you need further advice on preventing earwigs or if you need assistance removing an infestation of this pest from your property.
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